Regenesis Pro hgH 800 - 1 OZ
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Regenesis Pro PDF
Regenesis Pro 800 rejuvenation spray
Increased energy, weight loss, leaner muscle mass, sleeping better, younger wrinkle free skin, enhanced sexual performance - and more can be yours as you increase human growth hormone or HGH in your body. The benefits of increasing GH levels in adults (30 yrs+) have been well documented. Slowing, stopping or even reversing the biological aging process is simple, practical and possible. Revitalization of energy levels, increased immune functions, regeneration of all major organs (including the skin) and strengthening of bones are just a few of the benefits of increased GH levels.
More Balanced, Youthful Hormones
After a double blind clinical study on Regenesis oral spray GH, Dr. Steven Novil concluded: "There is a significant physiological change with the patients. The direction in movement of hormone levels being brought back to youthful and regenerative levels is significant in of itself." He went on to state, "Supporting data of the double blind study, show that the patients consistently evidenced marked progressiveness towards balance. The GH spray returned the body to a higher metabolism with greater efficiency and a more youthful level of chemistry."
Some people notice improvements within a few weeks, such as increased energy, better sleep, and better mood. However for others it takes longer. An initial period of at least 6 months is recommended. Structural improvements in skin and hair definitely take longer, months and not weeks. Remember that the initial benefits occur "on the inside" before manifesting "on the outside". If you practice a healthy lifestyle while using Regenesis GH, you are likely to see results faster.
F. Pearl McBroom, MD, Preventive Medicine Specialist in Southern California, has extensive clinical experience with Regenesis oral spray GH. She has documented improvement in greater than 95% of patients studied, including increased energy, improved mental clarity, restoration of hormone balance and an increased sense of well being.
Why Regenesis?
Regenesis originated oral spray GH. With more experience than anyone else, Regenesis has learned how to make the most effective and lasting GH spray. We are the only manufacturer with double blind clinical studies and shelf life studies.
Regenesis GH mimics the body with Low Dosage/High Frequency (LD/HF) therapy. This approach works with the body in the natural GH release cycle.
Regenesis GH has shown to lower free serum IGF-1 levels by promoting an increased number of IGF receptor sites. High levels of free serum IGF (and insulin) have been associated with obesity, diabetes and cancers.
Patients who have been on Regenesis GH tell us the benefits continue over the years they have taken the product. They become more youthful both physically and mentally.
Clinical evidence demonstrates that by increasing Growth Hormone levels we can dramatically reverse many negative health symptoms that develop with aging.
Injected and oral spray GH work in entirely different manners. Today we have the effective and affordable alternative from the leader in orally ingested GH. Regenesis GH is made from authentic, pharmaceutical grade recombinant growth hormone. Finally there is an effective choice at a price virtually everyone can afford.
The Finest Option Available
Regenesis GH was designed to stimulate the production and release of Growth Hormone. Evidence suggests Regenesis GH also enhances the absorption of the resulting growth factors. Over a period of time (typically 3-9 months) patients will notice a drop in IGF-1 numbers while seeing positive results from Regenesis GH spray. Since HGH is responsible for the regulation of IGF-1 in the liver, scientists and manufacturers assume anything that increases lGF-1 levels must also be increasing HGH levels. There is much evidence this is not the case.
Dr. Rashid Buttar has observed significantly lower than expected IGF-1 levels among high performance athletes. Athletes have lower serum glucose levels and a greater sensitivity to insulin. As well, athletes are biologically (physiologically) younger than sedentary people. He states "Efficacious hGH therapy does not increase IFG-1 levels". In fact there is "An inverse correlation of IGF-1 and hGH efficacy".
We believe that effective hGH replacement therapy will increase IGF receptor sites. The increase in IGF receptor sites leads to an increase in IGF binding and a lowering of circulating serum IGF-1. This is what we have observed in patients taking Regenesis GH as well.
In essence, we are turning back the biological clock
How to Take Regenesis GH
The most effective times to take Regenesis Pro 800 are immediately before exercise and immediately before bedtime.
Spray 3-4 sprays immediately prior to sleep. Spray once every 20-30 minutes during exercise. Exercise programs vary for each person. For some it is a brisk walk or gardening. For others it is a game of tennis or a strenuous workout. Whatever your exercise, spray before you begin.
Spray under the tongue or inside the cheek. Spread the sprays in different areas. Do not swallow for 1-2 minutes.
Spray 6-8 sprays per day for the first three months. Some users will change to a maintenance dosage of 4 sprays per day, however users will see much greater benefit from 6 sprays daily.
Regenesis Pro 800 is more effective when avoiding the period: 20 minutes before to 2 hours after eating.
Regenesis Pro 800 may be administered 7 days per week. Results may be increased by not using Regenesis Pro 800 for one week every 3 months.
ACTIVE INGREDIENT: 800 Nanograms Naturally Derived Growth Factor.
Where does the GH in Regenesis come from?
The growth hormone in Regenesis is not derived from any person or animal. It is derived from bacteria through a process known as 'Recombinant DNA.' The gene of a bacterium is altered to produce human growth hormone, which is a small protein consisting of 191 amino acids, and it is harvested from the bacterial culture. Regenesis GH is identical to the growth hormone your body produces. Bacteria are used to synthesize other biochemical compounds including antibiotics, Vitamin B-12, and Coenzyme Q-10.
Suggested Use: Pump sprayer 1-3 times inside the cheek 3 times daily. Upon waking, during the mid-afternoon and prior to bed in the evening (Avoid the period 20 minutes before to 2 hours after eating). Hold spray in your mouth for a least 60 seconds (1 minute) to allow maximum absorption. May be administered 7 days per week.